O&O Defrag 29 Product manual

O&O Defrag 29 
Rules for individual drives

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You can customize the default configuration according to your wishes and create new settings for individual drives or drive groups.

  1. If you want to create new rules for individual drives, click Zone filing and under All drives click Add new.
  2. In the following dialog, select the drive for which you want to create a new rule. You have a choice between the System drive or All other drives (data volumes). You can also select individual drives for the list.
  3. Confirm your selection with OK.

The drives you selected will then appear in the list of drives. To create a new rule, you have to select the drive and on the right side of the program window, under User-defined rules for the separate zones, clickAdd new rule .

User-defined zone filing
You can modify the default configurations, by defining your own rules for zone filing. With the help of these rules, you can specify where a file should be placed in the zone based on its name and the paths.

You can use the charts in chapter Notations for rules as reference for rule notation.

• You can create user-defined rules valid for all drives. Select All drives from the drive list, and then select the corresponding zone under User-defined rules in the sub-item Add new rule.
• If you only want to create rules for certain drives, select the drive from the list, click the corresponding zone to the right under User-defined rules, and then the sub-item Add new rule. This specific rule overrides the higher rule if they intersect.

Always file into three zones
Here you can specify that files with a certain size should always be filed to zone three. Path-based rules, which include
a very large file, always have a higher priority than the size based rules.
You can specify different optimization strategies for each zone. The strategy allowed is used by OPTIMIZE/Complete,
the most thorough method employed by O&O Defrag. You have the following strategies to choose from:

Consolidate files
Files are defragmented and packed together as closely as possible to create large connected free hard disk areas. This
prevents a fragmentation of newly created files.

Sort files
Files are sorted based on a certain criterion (file name, modification date, last access date). This allows files that are
often in use to be accessed and loaded faster.

O&O Defrag: Zonen konfigurieren

O&O Defrag: Zones