O&O Defrag 29 Product manual

O&O Defrag 29 
Standard defragmentation methods

US$ 29.95
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In addition to the five methods for Zone filing, O&O Defrag continues to offer its seven methods for defragmenting your computer.

  • COMPLETE/Modified
  • COMPLETE/Access
  • SOLID/Complete
  • SOLID/Quick
Defragmentation methods

Defragmentation methods

Note: Please bear in mind that the older methods can only be selected if zone filing is disabled.

Performance standard methods of O&O Defrag

Standard methods
Defragmentation of files + + + + + + +
Defragmenting the free space + + + + + +
Prevention of further fragmentation + + + + +
Results of high-level fragmentation* + + + +
Suitability for very large files
(> 4 GB)
+ + +
Suitability for many files
(> 1 M)
+ + + + +
Run time of first defragmentation** + + + + +
Run time of recurring defragmentation + + + + +
Required RAM + + + + + + +
CPU Load + + + + + + +
HDD + + + + +
SSD + + + +
+ Very Applicable (with runtime: quick)
+ + Extremely Applicable (with runtime: very quick)

* Our understanding of high-level fragmentation is a poorly maintained drive containing a large number of heavily fragmented files with little free space available.

** The run time of the first defragmentation lasts longer than with the previous version as a result of data being divided into zones.

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