O&O Defrag 29 Product manual

O&O Defrag 29 
Why do the write access counters of my SSD increase during defragmentation with Solid / Quick and Solid / Complete?

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SSDs change the computer’s status internally whenever anything is written or deleted. As a result, the change from 0 to 1 indicates a write access and a change from 1 to 0 a delete operation. Actual wear of the SSD occurs when changing from 1 to 0, which means only as a result of deletion. In most cases, however, deletion is necessary if anything needs to be written in any particular cell.

The SOLID/Quick method resets memory cells that contain obsolete data. These would have needed to be reset anyway at the next write access. The number of write accesses remains the same in the long run. Since the SSD won’t have to delete anything at the next write access, writing can now be executed much faster.

SOLID/Complete repositions current data so that fewer blocks are used and new data can be written faster, and with less fragmentation. Although this requires more write accesses at first, there will be fewer accesses needed in the future.