Select Create boot environment if you need a new boot environment for the desired program. The boot environment will be optimized for the operating system you’re currently using. This selection will be enough if you plan on using the boot environment on your current computer or on a computer very similar to the one you’re now using. These same settings will usually be applicable in most cases.

O&O BuildPE
Aside from the choice of operating system, you also have the option of turning support for the recovery environment on or off. Once support of the recovery environment is enabled, options for Windows recovery points will be available in the boot environment following a successful boot sequence.
You can also change the architecture from 64 to 32-bits and vice versa. It’s advisable to always adjust this option to the system involved.
To add all the licenses you want or need, click +. Doing so opens a window in which you must enter name, company, and serial number according the information you received after purchasing the product. You can also remove optional licenses to avoid adding a product to the boot environment. Standard packages are always included because they are important for the correct display and functionality of the boot environment.

Add license
If you wish to add programs yourself or know that your system needs a special driver, click Adjust settings in the upper right and also click + on the corresponding field to the lower right. You can add drivers in INF format and programs as zip packages (INF-Files have to be in one folder). You can find out how to create a correct zip package for using O&O BuildPE right here (Add your own packages).
Click Continue after you’ve added all licenses, packages, and drivers.
Select medium
Select how your boot environment should be saved. Saving on a USB stick is recommended if you have physical access to the computer on which the boot environment should be started.
The USB stick selected will be completely overwritten. All existing data on it will be lost!

Select storage medium
You should select saving as an ISO file if you want to burn the boot environment on a DVD or plan to boot on a virtual system.
There’s an option for integrating the boot environment in the Windows recovery environment so that after a system failure (for example, a bluescreen or malware attack), the computer can be started using the PE boot environment. If you want to integrate the boot environment on a remote system, click Adjust settings in the upper right and enter the name or IP address of that system in the text field.
Starting on remote systems is not supported by all boot environments.
Creation can take some time depending on the number of packages added and the extent of system load.

Boot enviroment is being created
If you selected integration in the recovery environment, at the bottom left you can enable starting in the newly created boot environment. Following successful creation, the computer will be restarted and booted in the boot environment.
You can end creation of the boot environment by clicking Cancel. It can take several minutes for the process to stop after confirmation of the dialog because the program first has to start a clean-up routine. The clean-up routine is necessary in order for a boot environment to be created correctly the next time and to assure the system’s consistency.
Create again
After successful or even unsuccessful creation you can use the Create again feature, to the left of the Completed button, to create an additional boot environment. When doing this, the program might use a lot of data from the previous attempt. You could, for example, save the boot environment as an ISO, then click Create again and select saving the environment on a stick. Creation can now be done faster because some of the earlier data can be reused. The further back you go in the program, the greater the number of actions the program now has to run again.

Boot enviroment creation completed