O&O BuildPE Product manual

O&O BuildPE 
Add your own packages

The following instructions can help you easily add your own programs:

Create a folder that should contain the program you want such as “Program”. You’ll now need a new folder with the name “FS“that should be included in the “Program“ folder. “FS“must contain 3 additional folders: “NoArch“, “x64“and “x86“.

“NoArch“ can contain the following folders:
• „SpecialFolder.Windows
o All files saved here will be copied in the Windows folder

• „SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles
o All files saved here will be copied in the Programs folder

• „SpecialFolder.System
o All files saved here will be copied in Windows\System32

• „SpecialFolder.StartMenu
o All files saved here will be copied in the start menu

• “SpecialFolder.ProgramData
o All files saved here will be copied in the ProgramData folder

“x64“and “x86“each need the following folder structure
• „SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles
o All files saved here will be copied in the Programs folder

• „SpecialFolder.System
o All files saved here will be copied in Windows\System32

In the “Program“ folder, a config.xml must also be found along with the folder structure. This allows the following parameters:

a. <Name>Programm Name</Name>
b. <Publisher>Publisher Name</Publisher>
c. <Registry>
    i. <Root> User, SOFTWARE</Root>
    ii. <Subkey></Subkey>
    iii. <RegistryValue>
        1. <ValueName></ValueName>
        2. <ValueContent></ValueContent>
        3. <ValueType> String, ExpandString, Binary, DWord, MultiString, Qword</ValueType>

The following contains an example of a config.xml we made for you:

    <Name>O&O BlueCon 15 Tech</Name>
    <Publisher>O&O Software GmbH</Publisher>
        <Subkey>Control Panel\Desktop</Subkey>