Scriptinterface Product manual

Create an image of the “C” drive

Example 1:

Create an image of the "C"drive.This image will be compressed and saved whereby sectors not being imaged (those sectors that have not changed since the base image was created) will be given a hash value to check for changes in the future.The image will be compressed and split into files that have a maximum size of 650 MByte each.Once it’s successfully created, the image will be automatically validated.

<DiskImageJob version="6.0">

<command name="initialized storage devices">



<command name="create image">

<image_type>used sector</image_type>

<compression_type>LZNT1 standard</compression_type>





<comments>Image of the system drive</comments>






<ignored_file_pattern>System Volume Information</ignored_file_pattern>

