Scriptinterface Product manual

Disk management functions

assign drive letter

Assigns a drive letter to the selected drive or changes it.


  • driveletter_to_set
  • { devicename | driveletter | drivenumber | serialnumber | begin }


Drive letters of current system volumes and the startup volume cannot be changed.

A maximum of 26 letters are allowed for one computer. The drive letters A and B are reserved for floppy drives. These letters, however, may be assigned to removable media drives when the computer doesn’t feature a floppy drive.


<command name="assign drive letter">






Command that checks disks for problems. It also offers the option to correct recognized problems.


  • correct_errors
  • verbose
  • check_only_if_dirty
  • locates_bad_sectors_recover_readable_information
  • { devicename | driveletter | drivenumber | serialnumber | begin | system_volume | data_volumes}


This command can possibly require a large amount of time to run. The amount of time needed will depend on the number of files and folders, the size of the disk, the disk’s performance and the available system resources, such as processor and memory.


<command name="checkdisk">








clear disk

Removes all formatting from partitions and volumes on the selected storage volume.


  • { devicename | drivenumber | serialnumber}
  • [ is_superfloppy ]


All drives will be deleted.


<command name="clear drive">

<drivenumber>1</drivenumber | serialnumber>



create mirrored volume

Creates a mirrored volume.


  • size
  • { devicename_one | drivenumber_one | serialnumber_one}
  • { devicename_two | drivenumber_two | serialnumber_two}
  • [ driveletter_to_set ]


The function for creating a mirrored volume is dependent on the operating systems that are currently installed and enabled.

Two dynamic volumes are needed for creating a mirrored volume.

It is possible to mirror a simple available volume.

Mirrored volumes are error-tolerant and use RAID-1. Redundancy is assured through the creation of two identical copies of a volume.

It is not possible to extend mirrored volumes or to convert them into stripe set volumes.

Both copies (mirrors) of the mirrored volumes use the same drive letters.

You can install an operating system on a simple or mirrored dynamic volume only.Entries in the partition table must exist for this volume (i.e., that this was a system or start volume).


<command name="create mirrored volume">






create RAID5 volume

Creates a RAID-5 volume with at least three selected dynamic volumes.


  • RAID5_column_size
  • size
  • { devicename | drivenumber | serialnumber} ...
  • [ driveletter_to_set ]


Depending on current and enabled operating systems, a mirrored volume can be created.

At least three dynamic volumes are required for creating a RAID-5 volume.

A RAID-5 volume helps you achieve error-tolerance.This will merely require an additional storage volume for the volume. If you’re using, for example, three 10 GB storage volumes to create a RAID-5 volume, the volume will contain a total of 20 GB. The remaining storage space of 10 GB will be used for parity.

RAID-5 volumes can neither be extended nor mirrored.


<command name="create RAID5 volume">








create simple volume

Creates a simple volume.


  • { devicename | drivenumber | serialnumber }
  • { size | complete_region_size | remaining_range | part_of_disk_size }
  • [ driveletter_to_set ]


You can create simple volumes on dynamic volumes only.

Simple volumes are not error-tolerant.

You can install an operating system on a simple or mirrored dynamic volume only.Entries in the partition table must exist for this volume (i.e., that this was a system or start volume).


<command name="create simple volume">





create spanned volume

Creates a spanned volume.


  • size
  • { devicename | drivenumber | serialnumber }
  • [ driveletter_to_set ]


You can create spanned volumes on dynamic volumes only.

At least two dynamic volumes are needed for creating an spanned volume.

A spanned volume can be expanded for as many as 32 dynamic volumes.

It is not possible to mirror spanned volumes or to convert them into stripe set volumes.

Spanned volumes are not fault-tolerant.


<command name="create spanned volume">








create striped volume

Creates a stripe set volume with at least two selected dynamic volumes.


  • size
  • { devicename_one | drivenumber_one | serialnumber_one}
  • { devicename_two | drivenumber_two | serialnumber_two}
  • [ driveletter_to_set ]


At least two dynamic volumes are needed for creating a stripe set volume. A stripe set volume can be created for as many as 32 storage volumes.

Stripe set volumes are not fault-tolerant, and can neither be extended nor mirrored.


<command name="create striped volume">






create partition

Creates a partition on a basic disk.


  • { devicename | drivenumber | serialnumber | begin }
  • { size | complete_region_size | remaining_range | part_of_disk_size }
  • [ format ]
  • { NTFS | FAT16 | FAT32 | huge | extended }
  • [ label ]
  • [ no_alignment | default_windows_alignment | chs_alignment ]
  • [ driveletter_to_set ]


Primary partitions, extended partitions and logical drives can only be created on a basic disk.

On volumes with an MBR (Master Boot Record), you can optionally create up to four partitions, or three primary partitions and one extended partition.

On volumes with a GPT (GUID-Partition Table), you can create up to 128 primary partitions


<command name="create partition">








delete partition

Deletes the selected partitions on a basic disk.


  • { devicename | driveletter | drivenumber | serialnumber | begin }


Important! As a result of deleting a partition, all data on the deleted partition or logical drive will be lost

Important! Deleted partitions or logical drives cannot be restored.

You cannot delete the system volume, the start volume and any volumes upon which the active swap file or crash dump (memory dump) are found.

An extended partition can only be deleted when it is empty.

You must delete all logical drives in an extended partition before you can delete it


<command name="delete partition">



delete volume

Deletes the entire volume.


  • { devicename | driveletter | drivenumber | serialnumber | begin }


Important! Be very careful when deleting volumes.All data on the volume, as well as the volume itself, will be deleted when you delete a simple, spanned, mirrored or RAID-5 volume.

Important! Deleted volumes cannot be restored.

You cannot delete the system volume, the start volume and any volumes upon which the active swap file or crash dump (memory dump) are found.


<command name="delete volume">



disconnect network drive

Disconnects an existing connection between the computer and an available resource.


  • localname


This will attempt to break the connection to this resource with the highest priority; i.e., all links and uses of files and/or folders from this resource will become invalid.


<command name="disconnect network drive">



fill disk sectors

Overwrites sectors of a storage volume, a region area of a storage volume, a partition or a volume with a specific value.


  • { devicename | driveletter | drivenumber | serialnumber | begin | data_volumes}
  • [ value_to_fill ]


Important! All data in this region will be permanently destroyed. If a region was selected that was linked with a partition or a volume, the data on that partition or volume will be destroyed. When a complete hard disk is selected, all objects and partitions/volumes with related data will be deleted and cannot be restored.


<command name="fill disk sectors">




<command name="fill disk sectors">





Formats a disk for use under Windows.


  • quickformat
  • enable_compression
  • force_dismount
  • { devicename | driveletter | drivenumber | serialnumber | begin }
  • { NTFS | FAT16 | FAT32 }
  • [ allocation_unit_size ]
  • [ label ]


It is not possible to format current system or boot partitions.

Compression will only be supported by NTFS volumes.

Quick formatting will remove all files from the disk; the disk will not, however, be checked for bad sectors.


<command name="format">







grow partition

Extends the partition into the next, non-reserved storage space on the same disk. Beyond that, it must follow on the partition (i.e., feature a higher sector number).


  • { devicename | driveletter | drivenumber | serialnumber | begin }
  • { size | remaining_range | part_of_disk_size }


If the previous partition was formatted with the NTFS file system, the file system will be so extended that the larger partition will be occupied.A loss of data does not occur.

If the previous partition was formatted with a file system other than the NTFS, the command fails and no changes will be made to the partition.

It is not possible to extend the current system or boot partition.



<command name="grow partition">




grow volume

With the help of this command you can extend newly created storage space onto an available volume.The selected volume will be thereby extended into the following non-reserved storage space.A dynamic simple or spanned volume can be extended onto any available storage space on any dynamic volume.


  • size
  • { devicename | driveletter | drivenumber | serialnumber | begin }


A volume can only be extended when the respective volume features no file system or was formatted with using NTFS.Volumes formatted with FAT or FAT32 cannot be extended.

It is not possible to extend the current system or boot partition.

Simple or extended volumes that are not system or start volumes can be extended provided there is enough available storage space. Among these are volumes which were created as dynamic or basic, and then were converted into dynamic volumes.

It is not possible to extend stripe set or RAID-5 volumes.

It is possible to extend a simple volume onto multiple dynamic volumes.In this way they obtain a spanned volume.It is not possible to mirror spanned volumes or to convert them into stripe set volumes.

Should a spanned volume be extended, you cannot delete any part of it without deleting the entire spanned volume.


<command name="grow partition">




initialized storage devices

Definition for identifying and displaying existing storage volumes.


  • { default_devices | all_devices | disk_devices | cddvd_devices | floppy_devices }


If a particular storage volume group was adjusted and enabled, drives from other disk groups will not be identified and accessible.


<command name="initialized storage devices">



initialize disk

Initializes a disk into a selected type of disk


  • { devicename | drivenumber | serialnumber}
  • { basic_disk | gpt_disk | dynamic_disk }


Parameter "basic_disk":

The disk must be blank in order for it to be converted into a dynamic volume. First secure the data, and then delete all partitions or volumes before converting it.

Parameter "dynamic_disk":

All partitions existing on the disk will be converted into simple volumes.


<command name="initialize disk">




map network drive

Connects a computer with an available resource.


  • remotename
  • [ localname ]
  • [ username ]
  • [ password ]


<command name="map network drive">




rescan disks

Renewed detecting of an initialized drive.Among other reasons, you need this command to search for new disks which could be possibly added to the computer.


(no parameter)


<command name="rescan disks"></command>


Restarts the computer.


(No parameters)


All data and documents not saved will be lost.


<command name="restart"></command>

set partition active

With this command, partitions on basic disks will be marked as active. In this way, the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) or the EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) will be informed that the partition or volume is a valid system partition or system.


  • set_active
  • { devicename | driveletter | drivenumber | serialnumber | begin }


A logical drive cannot be marked as an active partition.

Only a partition on a MBR basic disk can be marked as active.

Only one active partition per storage volume is possible on a computer.

Changing or deleting an active partition may result in the computer no longer being able to start.

Partitions containing the boot and operating system files are labeled boot or system partitions by default.

The system partition must be a primary partition that is marked as active for starting. It must be located on the disk that the computer will access when it starts up. There is always only one active system partition on any one disk. Multiple basic disks with a corresponding active partition are possible. The computer will be booted, however, from only one disk. Should you wish to use another operating system, you will first have to label the corresponding system partition as active before restarting the computer.

The system partition can never be part of a stripe set volume, a spanned volume or a RAID-5 volume.

An existing dynamic volume cannot be marked as an active partition. You can, however, convert a basic disk containing the active partition into a dynamic volume. After a successful conversion of the volume, the partition will be a simple, active volume. If the active partition is not the current system or boot partition, it will become a simple volume and loses its entry in the partition table. Therefore, the partition cannot be enabled anymore.


<command name="set partition active">





set volume label

Assign or transpose the drive name of a partition or volume.


  • label
  • { devicename | driveletter | drivenumber | serialnumber | begin }


<command name="set volumelabel">





Shutdown the computer.


(No parameters)


All data and documents not saved will be lost.


<command name="shutdown"></command>