O&O Lanytix Product manual

O&O Lanytix 
User’s guide

This program is FREEWARE and therefore FREE. You can use it on any number of computers and you are welcome to pass it on.

This program does not require any installation and therefore does not "bring" any other software with it. Should this program nevertheless have been delivered with an installation, then this is a breach of our terms of use - to protect you from unwanted software. Please let us know your source so we can take appropriate action.

System requirements
- Windows 8 or higher
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher
- Portable, therefore no installation necessary

- No special authorizations are required to run O&O Lanytix.

Perform analysis
To analyze the network, you can either press the "Scan network" button or call up the "Scan network" menu item in the "Analysis" menu.

Depending on the size of the network and the speed of the connected machines, the analysis can take up to several minutes. However, this action is usually completed in a few seconds.

You can stop the scanning process at any time using the "Cancel" button. The previous results are then displayed in the main view.

Main View - My Network
The main view lists the machines that were detected during the last scan. In addition, there are machines that may have been recognized a long time ago but are no longer active.

If the properties of a machine (e.g. name or IP address) change, a history is created that can be displayed by selecting the machine in the "Analysis" menu and calling up the history.

If you want to delete the history, this is also possible via this menu and the entry "Delete history".

Main view - My PC
All relevant system information on your PC is listed on the "My PC" overview page. These include the CPU, RAM and storage media fill levels, but also more detailed information about the network adapter.

In the settings you can change the language and the display mode (light or dark) of the application. You can also define the IP range there, which by default is limited to the local network. Please note that large IP ranges can take a long time to scan.

You can also enable or disable the protocols used to detect other machines. Ping and ARP are currently supported.